Tee Rogers - Dignity Memorial

  • Funeral Services
501 E. Mitchell Hammock Rd
Orlando, Florida 32765
(407) 608-9242
The business office is open from 8:00am - 5:00pm seven days a week. We are available 24 hours a day.

About Us

The Dignity Memorial network is North America's most trusted name for funeral, cremation, and cemetery services, serving families through about 2,000 locations nationwide and 15 locations here in read more
  • About

    The Dignity Memorial network is North America's most trusted name for funeral, cremation, and cemetery services, serving families through about 2,000 locations nationwide and 15 locations here in Central Florida. You know us locally as Baldwin Fairchild, Grissom, or Family Funeral Care and as our local memorial gardens: Woodlawn (Gotha), Glen Haven (Winter Park), All Faiths (Casselberry), Chapel Hill (East Orlando), and Oaklawn (Lake Mary).

    We help create remembrances that reflect the unique values, character, and traditions of the families we serve.
    That is our passion, that is our purpose, that is our promise. Guaranteed.

  • Highlights

    • Pre-planning funeral and cemetery arrangements
    • Tours of funeral homes and memorial parks
    • Traditional burial and cremation options
    • Unique solutions for cremation final resting places
    • Neptune Memorial Reef - creating life after life for ocean lovers
  • Directions

    Visit https://www.dignitymemorial.com/funeral-homes#q=Orlando for a map of our central florida locations